Home > Art Print > A trip down the memory lane (Art print)
A trip down the memory lane (Art print)
Availability : In stock
PLN 65
Dimension / Size : 20x20cm.
Ready to ship in
2-3business days

I took a trip down memory lane today, not to be saddened by what I have lost, but to be grateful for what I have earned over the years, to be happy for what I have with me now. Here's a little piece from there.

Medium: Watercolour and Ink


This is an art print of the original painting I made. 

The print is signed on the front and at the back and is made on high-quality matte paper. The price is inclusive of tax. The shipping charge is calculated at the time of checkout.

Please avoid exposing the painting to direct sunlight for extended periods. Long-term exposure to direct sunlight may cause discolouration over time. If dust accumulates, gently wipe it with a clean cloth.


  • The painting will be packed using bubble wrap and placed inside a sturdy cardboard box/sleeve and taped carefully to prevent any possible damage. 
  • I pack all my orders with love and utmost care and as my constant endeavour to try and reduce my footprint on the environment, I mostly use recyclable or reusable packaging wherever possible